Call: EU-LAC Awards 2017 for Journalism and Citizens’ Initiatives

On 28th June 2017 the second edition of the EU-LAC Awards was launched. The awards are organised every two years by the EU-LAC Foundation and aim to promote visibility, mutual knowledge of models of good practices and innovation among Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. For this edition, the Awards consist of two main categories: Young Journalists and Citizens' Initiatives. Applications should be submitted online by using the web form on the Awards website for each category.

The EU-LAC Awards encourage the participation of citizens and institutions focused on significant relevance for the bi-regional relationship between the European Union and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Award for Young Journalists will be attributed to two journalists or aspiring journalists, aged between 20 and 32, with a lively writing style and good analytical skills. Bloggers and social media active users are welcome to participate. For this category the awards consist of the article publication by the EU-LAC Foundation’s and possibly in a European media outlet- Deutsche Welle-  and/or possibly in a Latin American and/or Caribbean media outlet.

The category for Citizens' Initiative will recognise projects that foster social transformation and development. Nominated projects shall be applicable to the contexts of both regions, so as to promote and foster cooperation between the societies of Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. The first place prize will consist of a financial contribution of €12,000.00 to fund material to continue implementing and developing further the project. A second prize of €3,000.00 will be awarded to the best-classified initiative of the other partner region of the winner.

The Application deadline is 21st August 2017 and winners will be notified on September 2017. The Award Ceremony will be held in the margins of the CELAC-EU Summit, on October 2017, in El Salvador.

A detailed description of each category, requirements and conditions for entry’s submission and Terms & Conditions are presented at the EU-LAC Awards page.

You can find out more about the previous edition of the Awards and its winners here.
