Workshop "Good practices to reduce inequalities in education and link universities with society: Contributions of Universities in Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe to the achievement of the SDGs"

In the framework of the 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference of Social Sciences (CLACSO) "Inequalities in Latin America and the Caribbean: Knowledge, struggles and transformations", will take place on 10 June 2022, the Workshop: "Good practices to reduce inequalities in education and link universities with society: Contributions of Universities in Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe to the achievement of the SDGs". The event is organised by the EU-LAC Foundation and the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City and is broadcast via live streaming.

Based on the understanding that one of the fundamental functions of universities has been to address global, regional and local challenges and the co-production and/or transfer of viable solutions to society, the economy and the environment, the EU-LAC Foundation and CLACSO have agreed to take advantage of the space of the 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Social Sciences to jointly convene this Workshop, with the aim of generating an exchange of good practices, programmes, tools and methodologies developed by Higher Education Institutions in the European Union and in Latin America and the Caribbean to promote the creation of knowledge and practices that derive positive impacts in the framework of the SDGs.

The workshop aims to promote a fraternal dialogue and exchange of experiences among participants representing European and Latin American and Caribbean Higher Education organisations and associations motivated by the challenge of institutionalising governance structures, curricula and practices that aim at sustainable development. Through open questions to the speakers, inter-subjective and inter-institutional exchange will be fostered to recognise relevant experiences, discuss challenges in implementation and the potential transferability of these experiences, as well as to share lessons learned.

The EU-LAC Foundation has invited representatives of bi-regional, regional, and sub-regional academic and university organisations and networks of the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean that have been working on the "Matrix of Objectives and Strategic Lines for the Construction of the EU-CELAC Common Area of Higher Education" to actively participate in the Workshop which is coordinated and moderated by members of the EU-LAC Foundation and the CLACSO Working Group on Politicised Social Science.

See the agenda and concept note of the workshop in the annex.