Women of the Ecuadorian diaspora in Genoa. Migration, identity and memory

The European Union-Latin America and the Caribbean International Foundation (EU-LAC Foundation) is pleased to present the publication “Women of the Ecuadorian Diaspora in Genoa: Migration, Identity and Memory”, by Emy Díaz Erazo, President of the Transdisciplinary Research Network for the Development of Latin America and the Caribbean MOEBIUS.

This publication was elaborated by Emy Díaz Erazo with the support of the EU-LAC Foundation as a result of the International Call to tender “Proposals for the elaboration of a compilation of testimonies on the cultural identities of the European diasporas in Latin America and the Caribbean or Latin American and Caribbean diasporas in Europe”, launched in 2021 as part of the EU-LAC Foundation’s mandate to promote the visibility of the partnership between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean and of the contributions of civil society from both regions.

The cultural ties between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean constitute one of the pillars of this bi-regional strategic partnership, which is why the EU- LAC Foundation has as one of its fundamental purposes “to promote cultural cooperation between both regions”. In this sense, the main objective of the tender was to present unpublished testimonies on cultural identities from transcontinental migration and diasporic experiences between generations of immigrants from Europe in Latin America and the Caribbean or immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean in Europe, as a way to contribute to visibility and mutual knowledge and better understanding between both regions.