
As part of its activities to promote the debate on common strategies related to the EU-LAC bi-regional association, the Foundation carries out research and studies on issues identified by both regions.

These studies are published in this section of the web site, in order to encourage debate and promote exchange on best practices and specialised knowledge.

The publications are organised into the following series: Bi-Regional Economic Perspectives; Bi-Regional Relations; Conferences; Democracy Studies; ECLAC / EU-LAC Bi-Regional Outlook; EU-LAC Forum of Global Governance and Reflection Fora. The Foundation also publish a Newsletter that provides a multi-stakeholder space for dissemination of information on the topics on th bi-regional agenda; and encourages young researchers to work on EU-LAC  relations.

You can subscribe to updated information on the new studies published by the Foundation by registering in our contact list below. 

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