Women and employment: advances and challenges in policies for women’s labour-force participation in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of the post-pandemic recovery

At the beginning of 2018, the European Union Programme EUROsociAL+ and the EU-LAC Foundation launched a call on “Good Practices and Innovations for the Inclusion of Young Women in the World of Work in the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean”. The purpose of this call was to collect and share among social organisations, business actors, public institutions and decision-makers, those positive experiences that managed to bear fruit to reduce the gender and generational gaps that still persist in the economic, political and social systems in both regions. Among the experiences received, 10 were selected that, due to their objectives, methodological processes and results, are of reference and innovative to achieve decent employment conditions and better living standards for young women in the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean. These good practices are published in a document available online. In addition, these good practices were presented and discussed at a bi-regional seminar organised in Mexico City in September 2018.

Following this initiative, in 2020, the EUROsociAL Programme and the EU-LAC Foundation launched a call for research on the field of public policies launched or in the design phase by the governments of the two regions to address the problems related to the labour insertion of young women, particularly in the pandemic and post- pandemic context.

This Policy paper is based on the research developed by a group of experts from the AAU, assignee of the call, and is the result of the work of review, systematisation and selection of experiences of the experts Sara Bayes y Almudena Moreno.