Opportunities for bi-regional cooperation to advance in an inclusive, quality-based and sustainable trans-formation of the education sector

The EU-LAC Foundation is delighted to present the publication “Opportunities for bi-regional cooperation to advance in an inclusive, quality-based and sustainable transformation of the education sector” that features the three winning essays of the III EU- LAC Essay Contest on the Bi-Regional Partnership.

The open call for essays was launched in August 2022 with the aim of encouraging particularly young authors to think of ways to strengthen collaboration between Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and the European Union (EU) to jointly address the challenge of advancing in a sustainable transformation of the education sector for the benefit of our societies, ensuring equal access and quality of education, and converting educational institutions into change agents of the social, ecologic and digital transformations of our times. For the purposes of the call, ‘education’ was understood in an encompassing sense – including primary education, secondary education, technical/vocational training, higher education, and life-long learning.

The topic selected for the third edition of the contest is closely linked to the common priorities of both regions, whose Foreign Ministers decided, in a Meeting in Buenos Aires in October 2022, to resume the bi-regional dialogue based on a forward-looking, substantive and positive agenda that seeks to ensure an inclusive, equitable and sustainable post-pandemic economic recovery.