Mission to Costa Rica, EU-LAC participates in the First OECD Environmental Sustainability Summit


The EU-LAC Foundation demonstrated its commitment by organising a working mission to Costa Rica, where the "Multi-Actor Dialogue Forum: Just Green Transition, Inclusive Digital Transformation and Social Cohesion" took place on 4 October. This event, organised in collaboration with the School of International Relations of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA), is a continuation of the work outlined at the previous EU-CELAC Summit.

At the end of the Multi-Actor Forum, Matteo Bantti, Head of Cooperation of the European Union in Costa Rica, underlined the importance of the contributions gathered during the panels and stressed the commitment of European cooperation, as well as the active collaboration between different actors in the search for sustainable solutions.


As part of this mission, the EU-LAC Foundation also had the honour of participating in the First OECD Ministerial Summit on Environmental Sustainability: Economic Resilience, Green and Just Transition. The Summit addressed key issues related to the intersection between the goals of environmental sustainability, productivity, social inclusion and governance. Adrián Bonilla, Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation, participated in the panel "Towards a Green and Just Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean", where he highlighted the achievements of the III EU-CELAC Summit. He stressed the importance of ensuring that the ongoing transitions are equitable and inclusive, and underlined the need to promote sustainable development for all.


Executive Director Adrián Bonilla was also received at Casa Amarilla by Alejandro Solano, Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs of Costa Rica. During this meeting, a dialogue was held on ways to strengthen cooperation between Costa Rica and the EU-LAC Foundation. He also gave a lecture to students at the UNA's School of International Relations on the current agenda of relations between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean and the key issues that the two regions have in common.

This working mission was an important step forward in the achievement of the objectives of the EU-LAC Foundation and of its partners. 
