The EU-LAC Multi-Actor Dialogue Forum on Just Green Transition, Inclusive Digital Transformation, and Social Cohesion follows up on the III EU-CELAC Summit


Personalities from academia, diplomats, international organisations and multinational companies, among others, participated in the "Multi-stakeholder Dialogue Forum: Just Green Transition, Inclusive Digital Transformation and Social Cohesion" in San José, Costa Rica, on 4 October 2023. This event was successfully organised by the efforts of the EU-LAC Foundation and the School of International Relations of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA).



The opening session of the Forum underlined the importance and opportunities of continuing the work outlined at the recent EU-CELAC Summit. It was noted that this year was particularly significant as it marked the end of an eight-year wait for a new summit between the two regions of Latin America and Europe, with completely new challenges and perspectives. Jorge Herrera Murillo, Vice Rector for Research at the UNA, highlighted the importance of forums and initiatives such as this one, stating that “the construction of multilateralism is manifested precisely in this type of space”.

Furthermore, Leire Pajín, President of the EU-LAC Foundation, stressed that the EU-CELAC Summit in Brussels does not mark the end of the road, but rather the beginning of a joint cooperation, stressing that "there are enormously ambitious goals, but also enormous potential" and the importance of “leaving no one behind” in the digital transition we are experiencing.


Around the three central axes of the meeting: a just green transition, inclusive digitalisation and social cohesion, it was discussed how to support the implementation of these processes and commitments, while ensuring the inclusion and protection of those most affected. The need to align these three transitions was discussed, both in the current context and in the search for evaluation and monitoring mechanisms.

Monica Araya, Director of the International Portfolio of the European Climate Foundation, mentioned that “we need each other between the regions”, referring to Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean.  Similarly, José Andrés Fernández Leost, Head of Research at the Carolina Foundation reinforced the idea that “a strong Europe is a strong Latin America and a strong Latin America is a strong Europe”.

The Multi-Actor Dialogue Forum represented an opportunity to bring together and address issues relevant to achieving a comprehensive transition encompassing green, digital and social aspects. In turn, the Forum led to a fruitful dialogue between the different actors engaged in the triple transition.
