Meeting of Higher Education and Postgraduate Institutions of the EU and LAC

The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to the work that universities and higher education institutions and a wide range of scientific disciplines can do for

  • the development of vaccines and medical treatments
  • the analysis of the management and social, economic and political consequences of pandemic outbreaks; and
  • the formulation of innovative proposals and recommendations on the effective, equitable and sustainable provision of global public goods.

The pandemic has also highlighted the need to establish effective links and channels of communication between the scientific communities on the one hand, and decision-makers in government authorities and organisations, as well as those in charge of health, educational, financial and other social institutions, on the other.

With this in mind, the International EU-LAC Foundation and the Iberoamerican General Secretariat (SEGIB) within the framework of their collaboration jointly facilitated the "Meeting of Higher Education and Postgraduate Institutions of the European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)" on the sidelines of the XXVII Ibero-American Summit under digital format.

The objective of this meeting between representatives of university institutions, higher education associations and other relevant stakeholders was to address the question of how to ensure recognised quality standards in online master's and doctoral programs offered by European, Latin American and Caribbean university institutions.

Participation is by personal invitation only.

Access the concept note in the attachment.