"Latin American and Caribbean Fall" - Edition 2021

Just like in 2020, the 2021 “Latin American and Caribbean Fall” Festival in 2021 under the thematic umbrella “Myths and National Narratives” was severely influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this sense, 27 of the 49 activities of the Festival were held in a virtual format. The other 22 events could be carried out in a presential manner in 19 locations within the city of Hamburg.

17 countries were represented in the activities of the “Latin American and Caribbean Fall” Festival in 2021: Mexico, Chile, Germany, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala, Uruguay, Panama, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Venezuela. A total of 26 institutions presented events at the 2021 edition, of which ten were embassies and consulates and 16 civil society organisations or individual participants.

The number of activities indicates that the dynamism observed in pre-pandemic time could be resumed. Also, the number of countries represented and organisations involved is an unmistakable symbol of the progress made in increasing the visibility of Latin America and the Caribbean, fostering spaces for cooperation between the different Latin American and Caribbean communities based in Hamburg, and stimulating the creation of synergies between them and their German counterparts. In 2021, it has been noted that, while presential activities were still preferred, hybrid or virtual activities have significant potential, in particular for reaching a wider audience.