Keynote Lecture Series: Sustainable recovery of educational institutions

Watch this Keynote Lecture on YouTube!

Based on the need felt by both institutions to engage in the joint search for sustainable and transformative ways out of the crisis in its different dimensions, the EU-LAC Foundation and the Latin American Studies Programme of the University of Hamburg have developed, throughout 2021, a series of virtual Keynote Lectures under the title “The COVID-19 Crisis and Pathways to Sustainable Recovery in the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean”.

With this series of lectures, the EU-LAC Foundation and the Latin American Studies Programme of the University of Hamburg want to contribute to the generation of knowledge and the exchange between scientists, civil society actors, public officials and decision-makers on concepts, best practices and public policies that have been developed in Latin American, Caribbean and European countries to promote a “better” and sustainable recovery of the sectors and areas that have been particularly affected by the pandemic.

This first session focused on "Sustainable recovery of educational institutions". In an unprecedented education crisis like the one caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, it is difficult to derive insights from the past. But it helps to look outwards to how other education systems are responding to similar challenges. The presentation of Dr Andreas Schleicher (Director for Education and Skills and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)) tracked developments throughout the pandemic with data collected by the OECD. The data show that some countries were able to keep schools open and safe even in difficult pandemic situations. Social distancing and hygiene practices proved to be the most widely used measures to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, but they imposed significant capacity constraints on schools and required education systems to make difficult choices when it comes to the allocation of educational opportunity.

Access the concept note, the event programme and further event material in the attachment.