International Women's Day 2022

The EU-LAC Foundation salutes all women around the world on this significant date. We commemorate the struggles of women to achieve better working conditions and spaces in society. Together we will achieve an equitable and just future.

At the informal Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs from the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean, held in December 2020 in Berlin, the Ministers stressed the necessity to build a more innovative, inclusive and resilient economy and society by strengthening the participation of women in all areas. Shortcomings in the areas of governance, human rights, corruption, the rule of law, or gender equality are fundamental threats to development and successful cooperation. Therefore, the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean, continue to work on the respect for human rights with special emphasis on gender equality, girls' and women's empowerment and the promotion of women's political, social and economic rights.

Even before, at the EU-CELAC Meeting in 2015, representatives agreed "to prioritise the gender issue in the context of bi-regional relations and underscore the political will in both regions to guarantee gender equality and the protection, exercise and promotion of women's rights, including i) Political participation of women; ii) Elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls, including sexual violence; and iii) Economic empowerment of women and their participation in the world of work and in all decision-making processes."

Regarding the progress in gender equality in the European Union it is important to highlight some of the achievements:

  • 2006: The creation of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
  • 2012 (April 20): Resolution of the European Parliament on women and climate change
  • 2017: Publication of "Gender in environment and climate change" by EIGE
  • 2018 (January 16): Resolution of the European Parliament on women, gender equality and climate justice
  • 2020: Gender Equality Strategy 2020-25 (A Union of Equality)
  • 2021: EU Gender Action Plan (GAP III)

A great deal of progress has also been made in Latin America and the Caribbean in order to promote gender equality:

  • 1977: The first Regional Conference on the Integration of Women in the Economic and Social Development of Latin America
  • 2016: The creation of the Montevideo Strategy for the Implementation of the Regional Agenda on Gender in the framework of Sustainable Development until 2030
  • 2019: Decision 7, calling for the promotion of gender equality and environmental management, within the framework of the XXI Forum of Ministers of Environment of LAC
  • 2020: Santiago Compromise, within the framework of the XIV Regional Conference on Latin American Women
  • 2021: Implementation of the Escazú Agreement

The EU-LAC Foundation is committed to achieving SDG 5 "Gender Equality", and has introduced Gender as one of its strategic topics in 2022. In this sense, we will enhance our commitment to conduct various activities to promote the incorporation of women at the centre of decision-making and as protagonists of policies for economic recovery and economic and social protection. The EU-LAC Foundation, within its strategic topic "Gender", focusses in 2022 primarily on two strategic lines of action:

  1. EU-LAC WIN WIN Strategic Actions - EU-LAC Women as Key Actors for Climate Action
    1. Launching Event of the EU-LAC Women's International Network
    2. II Working Meeting of the EU-LAC Women's International Network
    3. 3 Working Tables
      1. The challenges for LAC and the EU in the face of feminist leadership committed to climate action
      2. The experiences of strengthening climate resilience with a gender approach in LAC and EU
      3. Women as key actors in the governance of climate action
    4. High-Level Panel
  2. EU-LAC CARE ABOUT YOU: Formalisation and professionalisation of care work
    1. Celebration of the World Food Day
    2. High-Level Panel
    3. III Working Meeting of the EU-LAC Women's International Network
    4. Side Event on the XV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

In addition, an International Seminar on Women and Employment will be held to present the case studies from the EUROsociAL+ research and to facilitate bi-regional dialogue on initiatives to promote women's participation in the labour market.

Moreover, the EU-LAC Foundation is about to launch the EU-LAC Women’s International Network, which seeks to involve all women and men, as well as governmental, international and civil society organisations from both regions committed to gender equality and the construction of genuine and heterogeneous space.