III EU-LAC Art Sessions - Connecting Cultures

The European Union – Latin America & Caribbean Foundation and the General-Consulate of Ecuador in Hamburg organise the third even of the series EU-LAC Art Sessions - Connecting Cultures. The 2015 edition will present Ecuadorian art with an exhibition by Verónica Ibsel Dominguez.

The Vernissage will be held on 28 October 2015 at 7.00 PM at the headquarters of the EU-LAC Foundation.

Read the brochure (in German)

This event is organised in the framework of the Latin American Autumn in Hamburg, a festival organised by the Latin American and Caribbean Consulates in Hamburg with the support of the EU-LAC Foundation, Hamburg's Ethnographic Museum and Hamburg's Senate. To view the full programme of the Latin American Autumn please visit the official website.

R.S.V.P. before 21 October 2015 by sending an e-mail to info@eulacfoundation.org


Cuando la utopía alcanzó a la realidad – Oil on Canvas – 300x100 cm