Good practices and innovations for the inclusion of young women in the labour market in Latin America, the Caribbean and the EU

The study " Good practices and innovations for the inclusion of young women in the labour market in Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union" is the result of the work carried out by the EU-LAC Foundation and the EUROsociAL+ Programme with the aim to create spaces for reflection by promoting informed debate on the challenges faced by the population in order to achieve higher levels of well-being for their societies and better routes for the future, and to encourage the design of public policies that promote the inclusion of young women in the world of work and their active participation in inclusive and sustainable development.In this framework, the EU-LAC Foundation and the EUROsociAL+ Programme launched a call to present “good practices and innovations for the inclusion of young women in the world of work”, with the intention of gathering and sharing among social organisations, business actors, public institutions and decision makers, the positive experiences that have been successful in reducing the gender and generation gaps that still persist in the economic, political and social systems of both regions.

A review was made of the initiatives, projects, models and reforms presented to the call to identify those that have been successfully implemented in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and the European Union (EU). An analysis of these initiatives is presented in this document, which highlights the success factors and lessons learned in order to share them and transfer them, as far as possible, to other countries on both continents. In this way, the aim is to enrich bi-regional dialogue on the issue of gender relations, understanding that cross learning is a useful tool for decision-makers and public policy advocates.

This document is divided into three parts. The first part, in addition to the general introduction, includes some conceptual elements on youth from a gender perspective, an analysis of labour market trends and behaviour in LAC and the EU in order to visualise the real situation facing youth in both regions, but particularly young women. The second part presents the methodological process that was carried out in the call for proposals of the EU-LAC Foundation and the EUROsociAL+ Programme and for the analysis of the 28 practices received and a summary of them, highlighting the common elements between the different initiatives. The third part includes the characteristics of the 10 illustrative initiatives from the perspective of crosscutting themes that are considered strategic to support the inclusion of young women in the labour market and their empowerment. This part also develops main conclusions of the study and recommendations, as well as a section for final reflections