EU-LAC Foundation and SEGIB promote partnership for quality assurance in higher education in the EU and LAC

The Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) and the EU-LAC Foundation, together with other higher education institutions of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, have decided to promote institutional cooperation in the field of quality assurance in higher education, especially in the postgraduate field.

The collaboration was agreed during a virtual meeting in which a joint work plan was established to guarantee recognized quality standards in online master's and doctoral programs offered by European, Latin American and Caribbean universities.

Representatives of university institutions, higher education associations, quality assurance networks and other relevant actors in the field of accreditation reflected together on the main challenges to be faced in order to ensure the quality of research and virtual teaching. They have also exchanged methodologies, tools, experiences and best practices in order to arrive at common and effective criteria to safeguard quality standards in distance education.

This collaboration seeks to generate synergies between these institutions and a coordinated response by the university quality accreditation bodies of Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, in the face of the changes in postgraduate education produced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Those attending the meeting made progress in the dialogue on a common frame of reference to build a bi-regional platform for quality assurance.

The Ibero-American General Secretariat and the EU-LAC Foundation will work on a document of shared best practices and new bi-regional quality assurance instruments to promote and support cooperation in higher education, contributing to the strengthening of mutual trust between university systems and their institutions, as well as citizenship in the educational programs offered.

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