Cooperation Agreement between the Programme for Latin American Studies of the University of Hamburg (LASt) and the EU-LAC Foundation

The Programme for Latin American Studies of the University of Hamburg (LASt) and the EU-LAC Foundation have signed a cooperation agreement for the joint realisation of a series of keynote lectures under the title "The COVID-19 Crisis and Pathways to Sustainable Recovery in the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean".

Recognising the importance of informed dialogue on key issues that unite the European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) regions, the need to create spaces for exchange between academics and other political, economic and social actors that promote cooperation between LAC and the EU and the dissemination of knowledge generated through research, and taking into account the importance of interaction and collaboration to better fulfil the objectives between our institutions, both institutions agree to hold a series of joint keynote lectures.

Based on the need felt to engage in the joint search for sustainable and transformative ways out of the crisis in its different dimensions, the EU-LAC Foundation and the Latin American Studies Programme of the University of Hamburg want to contribute to the generation of knowledge and exchange between scientists, civil society actors, public officials and decision-makers on concepts, best practices and public policies that have been developed in Latin American, Caribbean and European countries to achieve a "better" and sustainable recovery of the sectors and areas that have been particularly affected by the pandemic.

The Keynote Lecture series will consist of six virtual sessions, with each session focusing on a particular area, such as public health systems, educational institutions, the economic sector, gender relations, urban development, environmental protection, or particularly vulnerable and socially marginalised groups.

The first session of the series will take place on 1 July and will focus on "Sustainable recovery of educational institutions". Register here!