The challenge of working together: European Union - Latin America and the Caribbean relations in the face of major global challenges.

In this publication you will find comprehensive coverage of more than 11 panels, each of which looks in depth at the challenges facing both the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean. Critical issues such as the economy, climate change, gender equality, citizenship, democracy promotion and social cohesion were analysed in depth. The central purpose of these panels was to create a space for meaningful dialogue and to promote cooperation between the regions, with the common goal of finding common solutions.

The importance of the event was underlined by the participation of the former President of the Republic of Costa Rica and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Óscar Arias Sánchez. In his speech, Arias stressed the need for both regions to adopt an approach that not only avoids contributing to rising tensions or bipolarity, but also positions them as advocates of peace. His words were a call to action, urging the regions to work hand in hand to build a future that promotes harmony and cooperation rather than discord.