Young Researchers

The selection of the Young Researcher project is done through a call published on the EU-LAC Foundation networks and website.

Social innovation has been incorporated with the latest developments and trends both at the policy and grassroots levels. Social innovation is characterised by a wide range of definitions and understandings, although the main idea is the creation of new solutions in tackling social issues. Accordingly, the purpose of this thesis is to examine how the implementation of social innovation is currently boosted by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to address some of the principal challenges at the local development. Internet, social media and modern technologies such as mobile phones have currently contributed to quick changes on people’s communication and interaction. This thesis will discuss the principal theories related to social innovation and steps on implementing this concept. This discussion will be developed drawing upon the case study of the Mexican’s social participation rate to explore how the implementation of a digital platform can contribute to increase the degree of social participation of all stakeholders to address some of the key socio-economic challenges at the local level. The thesis will explain how the development of a digital platform can help to encourage collaborative action from the local citizens, businesses actors (especially Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and the local government/ institutions, to alleviate the social challenges. This thesis proposes SOCAnet, an online platform to encourage – in particular way - millennials’ social participation, to undertake charities and volunteering activities. This thesis argues how the development of SOCAnet platform can become not only an economic and social opportunity for potential investors and stakeholders, but also offers the chance for promoting a sustainable project with socio-innovative impact.


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