Young Americanists Workshop 2017 “Spaces and places of conflict”

The Young Americanists Workshops 2017 eighth edition is a PhD students’ initiative from several European and Latin-American institutions: The French Institute of Andean Studies, the Centre of Mexican and Central American Studies, the House of Velazquez, the National University of Distance Education, the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, The Institute of the Americas, and the National University of San Marcos.

The Young Americanists Workshops is an event organized by and for university students who are at beginning of their research career with the purpose of providing interdisciplinary and international discussion space, open to the different disciplines and methodologies of the Social and Human Sciences. The eighth edition of the Young Americanists Workshops, “Spaces and Places of Conflict, will be held simultaneously in Lima, on July 3, 4 and 5, 2017, and in Madrid, on July 3 and 4, 2017. This edition will be an opportunity to build new bridges of scientific reflection and collaboration between Latin America and Europe.

The 2017 edition will jointly host keynote lectures, workshops and a field trip (in Lima). This combination is intended to allow a collective production during or after the event (oral balance of the conference, article or scientific dossier in a magazine, etc.). Therefore, each participant will be invited to present their methodological experience and to participate actively in the workshops, integrating the activities to their reflection on the dual themes of spaces and places considered within the situations in conflict.

For further information , please visit the official website of the event