XIX Congress of the International Federation for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (FIEALC) "Latin America and the World: spaces for encounter and cooperation.

The main topic of the Congress, "Latin America and the World: spaces for encounter and cooperation", which will be presented by the Hispanisztika of the University of Szeged and the Research Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, offers an opportunity to study the impacts of the encounter between Latin America and the rest of the world in multiple interpretations with different perspectives. It encourages critical reflection on historical and socio-economic processes, literary trends, linguistic changes and cultural phenomena from the first contacts to the analysis of trends in recent times. 

The congress will last five days. The scientific programme will be accompanied by several parallel events with the participation of high representatives of Embassies accredited in Hungary, former Hungarian ambassadors in Spain and Latin America, High Ministerial representatives and of the Conference of Rectors of Hungary, and also representatives of the City Council of Szeged and the University of Szeged as well as representatives of the EU-LAC Foundation.

This Congress is one of the events selected, out of 103 applications received, in the framework of the "Annual Call for Co-financing events on relevant topics to the bi-regional partnership between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean" offered by the EU-LAC Foundation.
