XIV EU-LAC Reflection Forum: "Challenges and opportunities for the construction of a shared cultural cooperation agenda between Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union"


The EU-LAC Foundation and Mexico's National Institute of Arts and Letters (INBAL) are organising a reflection forum to analyse how to translate the commitments made at the 2023 EU-CELAC Summit into international cultural cooperation strategies. The event will take place in Mexico City on 5 and 6 December 2023.

Considering that culture is a fundamental axis of the relations between European, Latin American and Caribbean societies, and taking into account the common values of our societies in the framework of the 2030 Agenda and sustainable development, both institutions are united in revitalising the articulation and promoting exchanges between representatives of institutions and cultural industries from Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union. 

This Reflection Forum will bring together representatives from Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Ministries of Culture and Ministries and/or Agencies of International Cooperation in charge of policies and programmes related to cultural cooperation between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean.  

The main objective of the Forum is to analyse how the commitments made by the countries of Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe at the EU-CELAC Summit in 2023 can be translated into strategies for International Cultural Cooperation, with the aim of proposing a shared agenda for cooperation in which culture is considered a public good and a relevant dimension of the sustainable development of our societies.

In particular, the event aims to rethink international cultural cooperation in the current context and challenges facing our societies; establish a dialogue on the values that unite the two regions and that can be articulated on the basis of a common agenda of (co)creation, (co)production and cultural cooperation; promote the exchange of experiences and good practices in the field of cultural cooperation between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean; exchange strategies, policies and instruments to reinforce cooperation and cultural diplomacy in the EU-LAC area.

The event will take place at the Palace of Bellas Artes and will only be open to those with a personal invitation to attend.