XII. EU-LAC Reflection Forum: Contributions of the bi-regional strategic partnership to shaping a greener recovery

The EU-LAC Foundation, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, organised the XII. Reflection Forum “Contributions of the bi-regional strategic partnership to shaping a greener recovery”.

The EU-LAC Foundation’s mandate is to work closely with its 62 members in order to promote the bi-regional strategic partnership and dialogue, particularly through the participation of civil society. An essential part of this mission is to encourage debates on topics ranging high on the agenda of the European Union (EU)–Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) strategic partnership and to foster inputs to intergovernmental processes from economic, academic, and further sectors of civil society. Embedded in this context, since its inception, the Foundation organises the so-called Reflection Fora at least once a year in cooperation with relevant partners.

The EU-LAC Reflection Fora are platforms for open and informal discussion between Senior Officials from the two regions and with experts on specific topics. The specific aim of these Fora is to take stock of and discuss advances and challenges in the bi-regional relations and to formulate recommendations for future courses of action.

Participation is by personal invitation only.