X EU-LAC Reflection Forum: ‘The role of culture and creative sectors in the bi-regional relation’

The Forum will take the form of a two-day discussion session of Senior Officials of the 61 EU-LAC member States and of the European Union, ideally coming from the Departments of Culture of the respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs and from the respective Ministries of Culture or other relevant Governmental Agencies, as well as with a few cultural experts and managers, in particular selected from the group that attended the technical meeting held in Lisbon and from other relevant organisations and programmes.


As it was the case with previous editions this Reflection Forum will aim to:

  • Provide an informal platform for discussion between officials and experts on the EU-LAC relations;
  • Contribute to further mutual trust and understanding between the officials working

on the bi-regional relations, nurturing their exchanges with new insights;

  • Formulate proposals that will feed into the bi-regional governmental process.

The specific objective that this Forum pursues is to provide input to the reflection on EU-LAC cultural cooperation activated by the Brussels EU-LAC Ministerial Declaration of July 2018.

In particular it will aim:

  • To approach the content of the bi-regional relationship from a cultural perspective;
  • To take stock of existing initiatives at bi-regional level and the way they are perceived by cultural actors;
  • To identify which cultural cooperation activities could be developed and/or strengthened in the framework of the bi-regional partnership.

Date: 13 & 14 November 2019 

Place: Palazzo della Meridiana, Genova