World Forum for a Responsible Economy

At the Forum, speakers will present efforts towards a responsible economy through good practices of companies around the world. Small, medium and larger enterprises from 85 countries will serve as examples on the 12th edition of this Forum. There will be a special presentation of case studies on the integration of Circular Economy concepts and the Sustainable Development Goals in the business strategies of companies in the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean.  These case studies were derived from a Call made by the EU-LAC Foundation, in which 45 proposals were received.  A compilation of 16 case studies on both topics (Circular Economy and SDGs), edited by the Foundation, will also be presented. 

The representatives of the three best practices on each topic will present their results as part of a panel at the conference. On the topic of Sustainable Development Goals, the CEOs of the companies Iskraemeco (energy-Slovenia), Pacari (food-Ecuador), and Las Tacuaras Nutrihuevos (food-Paraguay) will participate. Regarding Circular Economy, the representatives from Ananas Anam (textiles-United Kingdom), Better Future Factory (engineering-Holland) and Neptuno Pumps (engineering-Chile) will participate.

For more information visit the official site.