Workshop- Seminar: "China, Latin America and the Caribbean, and European Union: A triangular relationship?"

The EU-LAC Foundation, CAF Development Bank of Latin America and the GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies are organising the workshop-seminar “China, Latin America and the EU – a triangular relationship?”, which will be taking place on the 4th November 2015 in Hamburg, Germany. 

In the light of the prominent role of China in the current multilateral context and its increasing political, economic and cooperation relations with Latin America, as well as its long- standing strategic partnership with the European Union, this workshop seminar seeks to analyse the dynamics of the interaction between these regions with the goal of identifying the opportunities and challenges in a triangular relationship China- Latin America & Caribbean- European Union.

Please consult here the concept note and preliminary programme of the event.

This event is held in the framework of the Latin American Autumn in Hamburg sponsored by the EU-LAC Foundation.