Workshop: Mobility and the Geopolitics of Knowledge - Challenges of the Scientific Exchange between EU and CELAC

On the 29th of August, the Ibero-American Institute (IAI), EU-LAC Focus y DLR Project Management Agency, will organise the event “Mobility and the Geopolitics of Knowledge: Challenges of the Scientific Exchange between EU and CELAC.”

During the evening, issues regarding the patterns of mobility and scientific cooperation between the two regions will be discussed by a group of international experts. This group will be composed of: HE Paola Amadei, Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation; Dr. Rigas Arvanitis, Director of the French Institute for Research, Innovation and Society (IFRIS) and senior researcher at the Research Institute for Development (IRD); and Dr. Hebe Vessuri, senior researcher National Autonomous University of Mexico and Centro Nacional Patagónico (Coincet-CENPAT). The seminar will be moderated by Dr. Barbara Göbel, the director of IAI, Germany.

The deadline to register is the 14th of August. The full event takes place on the 28-31 of August, the public part of the event takes place on the 29-31st of August. For registration and information, please see the links.