Workshop to articulate the efforts of actors promoting the ‘Joint Initiative on Research and Innovation’ and the ‘EU-CELAC Common Space for Higher Education’

Workshop to articulate the efforts of actors promoting the JIRI and the EU-CELAC Common Space for Higher Education

On 8-9 April 2024, a Workshop to articulate the work of actors promoting the 'Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation' and the 'EU-CELAC Common Higher Education Area' will take place at the Cervantes Institute in Hamburg. 

The event, organised by the EU-LAC Foundation, will follow up on the agreements of the most recent JIRI SOM and has the following objectives:

- To make visible the role of higher education and the university sector in the generation of competences and knowledge required to offer solutions to the multiple crises of our times and the processes of social, economic and environmental transition - that is, to the central issues of the bi-regional agenda;
- To provide a space for dialogue between actors promoting cooperation between Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union in the field of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation in order to identify shared priorities, address "blind spots" and gaps that should be overcome in order to link ongoing processes and initiatives, explore possibilities for cooperation and create synergies that enhance the impact of the efforts generated;
- Collect proposals from institutions and networks and produce a publication to provide recommendations and help guide cooperation between the two regions in the field of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation.

An essential part of the EU-LAC Foundation's mission is to build bridges to increase mutual knowledge and promote dialogue and collaboration on issues that are high on the agenda of the strategic partnership between the two regions, such as, for example, sustainable social, economic and environmental development; science, technology and innovation; and higher education. For several years the Foundation has played an articulating role between networks, associations and institutions that are involved in cooperation initiatives at regional, bi-regional and international level in the field of Higher Education. One of the fruits of this cooperation has been the joint construction of the "Matrix of Objectives and Strategic Lines for the Construction of the EU-CELAC Common Area of Higher Education" - an interactive database to visualise the efforts and programmes generated by various actors in both regions. 

Participation by personal invitation.