Working in chains? Human Security in Global Production Networks between Brazil and the Netherlands

The Erasmus University organizes the lecture “Working in chains? Human Security in Global Production Networks between Brazil and the Netherlands. This activity consists of a lecture that will go over the topic of the conditions in which workers in global supply chains are working, and how this has become an area of analysis, due to the precariousness of their working environment.

The lecture will analyze the governance and the coordination of the value chains. With special emphasis in the governance of the work and the logistics for sustainability in the relationship between Brazil and the Netherlands, in order to better understand the chains through the labor conditions, and how this has become an important issue for the public and private sectors in the Netherlands.

Likewise, they will be focused on the various consequences that this process is generating. They will present several case of studies that evidence how this process has an impact on the social perception.

Please for further information go to the website of the event clicking here