Women’s Access to Higher Education and Labour Markets in Latin America and the European Union, by Garrido Ardila

The Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI) finds that some Latin American countries are on similar levels of gender equality to those in the European Union. Nonetheless, some Latin American countries register equality levels that are considerably lower. GGGI data shows that equal access to higher education does not necessarily guarantee an equal access to the labour market. Sweden and Mexico are examples that show two different approaches. Measurements that facilitate family conciliation, and more specifically those related to maternity, have a considerable impact on the levels of equality. Countries in Latin America and the EU should share their good experiences in gender equality policies in order to improve the access that women have to the labour market worldwide. Read paper

J. A. Garrido Ardila is affiliate professor at the University of Malta and career staff teacher for the Spanish Ministry of Education. 

This paper was prepared for the EU-LAC Foundation Newsletter on "The Drug World Problem" of March 2016. This is a translation of the responsibility of EU-LAC Foundation; to read the original version in Spanish please follow the link.