Webinar EU-LAC/CSUCA/OBREAL GLOBAL: "Generating, promoting and applying research results"

An important issue for the development of research in Central America is not only capacity building, but also the consideration of policies, tools, and strategies for communicating, evaluating and leveraging research results in order to generate greater societal impact. How can research results be managed for publication, transfer and use with respect to performance and quality assessment, accountability and the delivery of effective services to society, but also to provide visibility, strengthen relationships and highlight the value of the work generated in a university? In these considerations, aspects such as open science, repositories Institutional issues, bibliometrics,  the evaluation of academic merit, the editorial policy of scientific books and journals, intellectual property and actions for the transfer of knowledge to society play an extremely important role.

This virtual seminar sought to foster the exchange of views, experiences, good practices and proposals aimed at strengthening Central American regional collaboration and bi-regional collaboration between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean in this field.