VI EU-LAC Civil Society Forum

Strengthening relations between Latin American and European civil society

MESA de Articulación de Asociaciones Nacionales y Redes Regionales de ONG de América Latina and CONCORD, European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development with the support of Asociación Chilena de ONGs ACCIÓN and the European Commission, are pleased to convene the VI Euro-Latin American Civil Society Forum to be held in Santiago, Chile on 27 and 28 September 2012.

The starting point for the VI Civil Society Forum will be a reflection on the current situation in both regions and the prospects of CELAC-EU relations from the perspective of civil society. The current systemic crisis together with the construction of sustainable development models aimed at reducing inequalities and the full exercise of citizenship imply that the set of policies pursued by EU-LAC governments must be complementary and mutually reinforcing.

The objective of the VI Forum in Santiago is as a space to exchange views between the various social sectors in the two regions:

  • We will make progress in the agreement of approaches, perspectives and proposals from Latin American and European civil society, for the construction of a common agenda for integration and development given the current context of global crisis and probable paradigm shift.
  • We will promote proposals that contribute to EU-LAC political dialogue from a perspective of policy coherence for development, and we will promote the mainstreaming of issues such as inclusion, equity, sustainability, fair trade, democratisation and the full exercise of human rights.


For further information on the event and registration, please visit the event website here.