V Meeting Strategic Triangle Latin America – Europe – Africa in Lisbon

The Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation, Paola Amadei, participated in the V Meeting Strategic Triangle Latin America – Europe –Africa, which was celebrated between May 23 and 24 in Lisbon, Portugal.  Organised by the Latin America Development Institute (IPDAL) with the support of SEGIC and Caixa General de Depósitos, the event provides an annual international forum to discuss the strengthening of the alliance between the three regions.

The meetings revolved around the perspectives and challenges for cooperation in the South Atlantic ranging from security to trade and migration. As a whole, the three regions represent 2.3 billion people and 133 countries – an amount that united cannot be ignored.

In her presentation, the Executive Director underlined the role that the Caribbean could play in this triangle and its strategic value based on its strong historic and cultural bonds of this subregion with both Africa and Europe, including shared languages. For these reasons, she advocated for the Caribbean to be actively incorporated in the dialogue between the regions, which has not yet happened. She also reminded that in 2016, the EU-LAC Foundation is particularly dedicated to the Caribbean integration within the EU-CELAC partnership.

The Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation focused on three areas of special interest for the three regions and where its alliance could generate significant progress and provide solutions: the policies with regard to climate change, drugs and gender equality; since the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change agreed on Paris demonstrated the strength of this alliance.