Uruguay ratifies the Constitutive Agreement of the EU-LAC International Foundation

Uruguay ratified the Constitutive Agreement of the EU-LAC International Foundation, becoming the 15th State of Latin America and the Caribbean to do so.

The announcement of the conclusion of the ratification process in Uruguay, came during the initial remarks of the IX EU-LAC Reflection Forum titled “Building inclusive societies under the new development paradigm”, which is currently taking place in Montevideo, Uruguay. The ratification instrument will be soon deposited to the official depositary.

Uruguay thus attests its firm commitment to the strengthening of the Foundation as an instrument of the bi-regional partnership, mutual knowledge and understanding between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Since the entry into force of the Constitutive Agreement on May 17th, the Foundation operates as an international organisation, as intended by the Heads of State and Government of the 61 Member States of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, and of the European Union itself, and is financed through voluntary contributions from its Members. The Foundation is established in Hamburg, Germany, since 2011.