Urbanization in Germany: Cities’ solutions for urban development challenges

On 30-31 May 2016 the conference “Urbanization in Germany: Cities’ solutions for urban development challenges” was held in Hamburg, Germany. This conference was dedicated to Latin American and German mayors, and to actors from the economic and scientific spheres involved in the creation of solutions for urbanization and climate change. Its objective was to offer cities and municipalities the opportunity to work in network and exchange experiences, as well as to encourage them to implement broader agreements, such as those of town twinning.           

This conference was co-organised by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative from the Inter American Development Bank (IDB), with the collaboration of the Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) from Engagement Global and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. More than 150 people attended the Conference. Programme Manager Dr. Anna Barrera attended on behalf of the EU-LAC Foundation.

It is worth highlighting the participation of several mayors and civil servants in charge of urban planning and development of large and medium-sized cities in Latin America & the Caribbean and Germany, as well as those of academic institutions working on the topic of urban development.  Personalities such as the First Mayor of Hamburg, Olaf Scholz, the President of the IDB Luis Alberto Moreno or the Director of the SKEW, Dr. Stefan Wilhemy, were among the panellists.

The presentations focused on the themes of energy efficiency, mobility, waste systems, smart cities, cross-sectorial measures and funding opportunities. 

The Conference provided spaces for networking among the participants.  

Through a welcome reception by the Mayor of Hamburg, a presentation of the State Secretary of Hamburg, Mr. Wolfgang Schmidt, and a city tour, the participants could get information on the Hamburg’s urban milestones and digitalization strategy.