Tucuman Foundation

Tucumán Foundation is a business non-profit organization that was born in 1985 with the aim of contributing to the sustainable economic, social and environmental development of Tucuman and the region. It offers enterprises and to society in general socioeconomic analysis works and training for management level officials of public, private and NGO sectors. At the same time, it organizes academic, professional and social forums, debates and conferences. It has created the CSR Network of Tucuman and is part of Forum Empresa.
Geographical level
Type of organisation
Civil Society Organisation
Area of interest
Governance, Political Affairs
Higher Education
Economy and Sustainable Development
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social Affairs
Gral. José M. Paz 576, Piso 8, Of. 3, 4 y 5

Edificio Cinco.76 Concepto

(4000) San Miguel de Tucumán

Phone Number: +54 (381) 4204050/3704