"Towards the construction of comprehensive care systems: Experiences from Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean"

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On occasion of the XV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, the EU-LAC Foundation, the Global Alliance for Care, the National Institute of Women of Mexico (INMUJERES), UN Women for the Americas and the Caribbean and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) present the side event “Towards the construction of comprehensive care systems: Experiences from Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean” to be held on 7th November with the aim of identifying the progress and challenges in building comprehensive care systems from a bi-regional perspective between the European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

The crisis brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the centrality and importance of care work, it has also demonstrated the precariousness of current care systems, policies and plans, intensifying existing economic and gender inequalities and hitting care provision hard.

The EU-LAC Foundation, the Global Alliance for Care, INMUJERES, UN Women for the Americas and the Caribbean and ECLAC, as key actors in generating multi-stakeholder and multi-level dialogues on issues of utmost relevance for the cooperation of LAC and EU countries, seek to develop a series of inclusive inter-regional dialogues to identify obstacles and opportunities in common and to make visible good practices and innovative solutions that will enable progress towards the construction and implementation of comprehensiv e care systems in the EU and LAC.

This side event has three specific objectives:

  1. to share advances and good practices in building comprehensive systems of care in Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean;
  2. to exchange on challenges, gaps and lessons learned in building comprehensive systems of care in the EU and LAC;
  3. to offer a space for identifying actions and recommendations in a timely manner in the processes of building comprehensive systems of care in the EU and LAC.
Towards the construction of comprehensive Care systems