Is there a progressive agenda for the EU-Latin-America relations?

In June the second EU-CELAC summit “Shaping our common future: working for prosperous, cohesive and sustainable societies for our citizens" will take place in Brussels. Defined as a relationship between like-minded or natural partners, the EU-CELAC partnership goes beyond purely economic objectives and is based on political dialogue, cooperation and a multilateral orientation.

In view of the June summit Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Brussels has invited a delegation of senior politicians and parliamentarians from CELAC member states. The objective is to discuss with Brussels-based stakeholders key challenges of the EU-Latin America relationship and how these could be reflected in a common agenda and mutually beneficial cooperation for the years to come.

The delegation consists of Roberto Conde, former Senator and Deputy Foreign Minister, Uruguay, Alejandro Chanona, President of the Foundation Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, Mexico, Carlos Ominami, Director of the Foundation Chile 21 and former Chilean Minister of the Economy, Romênio Pereira, Secretary General, Brazilian Workers’ Party, and Carlos Raimundi, Member of Parliament, Argentina. For further information please check the official website here.