Symposium ‘Results of the Conference on the future of Europe and actions to relaunch Latin American integration’

The objective of the Symposium is to analyze the results of the Conference on the Future of Europe in terms of deepening European integration, as well as to compare these results with the proposals for relaunching Latin American integration. Around 40 experts will participate in the discussion panels.

This activity is co-organised by the EU-LAC Foundation, the Reflection Group on Integration and Development in Latin America and Europe (GRIDALE) and coordinated by the Center for Global Thought (CEPEG) of the Cooperative University of Colombia, and the Euro-Latin American Institute of Studies for Integration (IELEPI) based at the Alcalá de Henares University in Spain.

The activity is sponsored by the European Union Office in Spain, the Government of Germany, the United Nations University UNU-CRIS and the Cooperative University of Colombia.

Participation by personal invitation only.
