Symposium “Breaking the Myth of Paradise: the future of SIDS”

The EU-LAC Foundation advocates for the integration of the Caribbean into the bi-regional process

The EU-LAC Foundation reaffirmed the importance of the full integration of the Caribbean into the bi-regional process, on the occasion of the symposium held on July 10 in Brussels at the initiative of the Joint Embassy of the Eastern Caribbean States to the European Union.

The symposium, "Breaking the Myth of Paradise: the future of Small Island Developing States (SIDS)", allowed members of the diplomatic corps and representatives of the EU institutions to review the challenges these territories face, mainly in trade, investment, regional cooperation, energy and climate change.

The highlight of the event was the presence of the Honourable Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, Mr Kenny Anthony, who gave the keynote address. In his speech, Prime Minister Anthony called on European authorities to keep its development aid policy and encouraged them to continue working with the island states in the Caribbean to find ways to make real the full benefits of the strategic bi-regional partnership.

The Brussels meeting comes two months before the III World Conference of SIDS in Apia, Samoa, and in the year, which the United Nations has designated as the International Year of Small Island Developing States.

The EU-LAC participation in the symposium was part of the activities of its Global Governance Forum, which, coincidentally, this year focuses on the possibilities for bi-regional cooperation in the new field of multilateral development, characterized by the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals.

The Foundation considers the full integration of the Caribbean into the bi-regional process of utmost importance, particularly in this regard.

In addition to the EU-LAC Foundation, the symposium was supported by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and Cole-ACP, and, according to Ambassador Len Ishmael, head of Mission to the EU, it was the first to be held in Brussels and other European capitals to defend the strategic interests of Small Island States.

For further infomation please visit the official website of the OECS Mission in Brussels.