Summer Course "European Union - Latin America and the Caribbean Relations in the Framework of the EU Council Presidencies and the EU-CELAC and Ibero-American Summits"

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This course will be co-organised by the Yuste Foundation and the EU-LAC Foundation, in collaboration with the Euroamerica Foundation, the University of Extremadura and National Heritage, and aims to continue the Foundation's line of work on the analysis of EU-Latin American and Caribbean relations.

We are experiencing a context of uncertainty as a result of climate change, the digital challenge and the latest events. Especially the invasion of Ukraine by Russia a little over a year ago has caused not only the foundations and the global socio-economic and geopolitical balance to shake. Moreover, it has increased the polarisation of international relations and induced a terrible energy and food crisis that is having a terrible direct socio-economic impact on citizens and therefore on governance and political priorities. All of this just as we were beginning to emerge from a terrible pandemic that had taken millions of lives and stretched our economies and systems of governance to the limit. In this light, it is worth reflecting on how we can address these global challenges by improving relations between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean.

The course will be organised within the framework of Spain's Presidency of the Council of the EU. On this occasion, special consideration will be given to the importance and perspective of the presidencies of the Council of the European Union, at a time when Spain is assuming the presidency, which presents an opportunity to strengthen relations between the two regions, taking into account the strong historical, political, cultural, economic, social and economic relations that exist between Spain and the Ibero-American region. At the same time, it is worth analysing the role of the EU-Latin America and Caribbean summits, as well as the Ibero-American Summits, and possible instruments for dialogue and cooperation that would allow us to take advantage of all the potential that a more solid and strategic alliance would offer both regions at a time of global upheaval from the geopolitical point of view, and with major global threats and challenges that need to be faced together.

The main objective is to address both the challenges that arise globally, taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals, contributing through training, reflection, debate and knowledge transfer to deepen the study and improvement of the implementation of strategies that contribute to the construction of peaceful, supportive and egalitarian societies.