Strengthening the cooperation between Hungary and the EU-LAC Foundation

Péter Györkös, Ambassador of Hungary in Germany, in representation of his Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Paola Amadei, Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between this Ministry and the EU-LAC Foundation in Berlin, on 12th September 2017.

With this MoU the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade appointed as Goodwill Ambassador to the Foundation Pál Varga Koritár, a long-serving diplomat with extensive knowledge and experience on Latin America and the Caribbean notably as Ambassador to Argentina and Mexico. Ambassador Koritár’s tasks will be defined by the Foundation in coordination with the Ministry and shall be in line with the former’s mandate. One particular objective would be the promotion of the Strategic Partnership and of the Foundation’s activities in Hungary.

This MoU is part of the Hungarian government’s “Opening to South” Strategy regarding its relationship with the Latin American and Caribbean region. The commitment to further develop cooperation between both regions is also illustrated by the fact that earlier this year Hungary was one of the first Members to ratify the constitutive agreement establishing the EU-LAC Foundation as an international organisation.

The Ministry is also organising the III Hungary – Latin America Forum, which will be held from 15th to 17th November in Budapest and will count once again with the participation of the EU-LAC Foundation. You can find more information about the Forum here.