State of Democracy in Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe

Click here to read the report or watch the video on the webinar. 

The objective of this webinar was to provide a space for a group of experts to share reflections on the challenges of democracy in Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe, to address the complexities posed by the pandemic and the opportunities that open up for the continuous strengthening of the democratic value in both regions. 

The panel was made up of Dr. Adrián Bonilla (Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation), Dr. Sergio Bitar (Former Minister of State of Chile and Vice President of the Board of International Idea), Dr. Maria Herminia Tavares de Almeida (Senior Lecturer at the University of São Paulo and Senior Researcher at the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning - CEBRAP), Dr. Claudia Zilla (Principal Researcher of the Americas Department at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs) and Dr. Felipe Burbano de Lara (Director of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences - FLASCO Ecuador).