Standards for the protection of the human rights of women: Necessary tools for the defence of women’s political participation

Year of Publication
Arsenio García Cores
Organization Name
UN Women
Full Date
December 2020
Civil Society
ending violence against women and girls
anti-violence intervention
access to justice and legal protection
politica violence
Human Rights
women's rights
n the framework of the regional project "Eradicating violence against women in politics in Latin America", UN Women, the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) and the Follow-up Mechanism to the Convention of Belém do Pará (MESECVI) developed the document "Standards for the protection of the human rights of women: Necessary tools for the defence of women’s political participation", a practical legal guide that brings together a systematic and analytical compilation of 130 judgments, decisions and resolutions in paradigmatic cases, so that both civil society and public institutions -legislative, executive and judicial- can count with tools for the cross-cutting application of the protection standards in force in International Human Rights Law, related to cases of gender-based violence against women. This document is useful for the creation, application, and interpretation of norms; it contributes to the conceptualization of the different types of gender-based violence committed against women based on material, formal, objective, and subjective criteria, in accordance with the International, Inter-American and European Human Rights Systems. In turn, increase understanding of the symbiotic relationship between gender stereotypes and bias and gender-based violence against women, thereby facilitating the prevention, treatment, punishment, and eradication of that violence; and identify and determine the protection standards in force in international human rights law. Each section is accompanied by a brief overview of the applicable legal framework, focusing on the Americas, and includes violence against women in politics.