Slovenia ratifies the Constitutive Agreement of the EU-LAC International Foundation

Slovenia became the 26th Member to ratify the Constitutive Agreement of the EU-LAC International Foundation, therefore being the 15th EU member state to do so. Slovenia thus attests its firm commitment to the strengthening of the Foundation as an instrument of the bi-regional partnership, mutual knowledge and understanding between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean.

This ratification is embedded in the context of Slovenia’s ambition to foster cooperation between the EU and LAC, which will be highlighted through the realisation of a seminar, organised by the EU-LAC Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, the Horizon 2020 project EULAC Focus and the Bavarian Research Alliance (BAYFOR).

This seminar, whose aim is to strengthen capacities in the EU and LAC for bi-regional scientific cooperation, will take place in Ljubljana on May 20-24, 2019. The imminent entry into force of the international Agreement will strengthen the Foundation and confer it the necessary status and recognition to fully accomplish the mandate its Members entrusted it with. 26 of its Member States have already ratified the Constitutive Agreement, which was open for signature in October 2016.