Seminar in Quito “Governance and regional integration in Latin America and Europe”

In the framework of the Integration Chair “Germánico Salgado”, the Andean University Simon Bolivar and the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation organised in Quito on 3­ to 5 June the International Seminar “Governance and regional integration in Latin America and Europe: problems and perspectives”. The seminar encouraged an informed debate around 4 main subjects: the political dialogue and the strategic partnership EU-LAC, economic integration and convergence on the subcontinent, political cooperation and global governance, and present and future of the European Union: lessons for Latin America.

Taking into account the difficulties faced by the European and Latin American integration processes related with the economic crisis in the first case and with uncertainty and lack of definition in the latter, the organising institutions suggested to analyse the implications of the changing international scenario on regional governance and bi-regional relations between integration processes. Additionally, the seminar has also analysed ways through which convergence and deeper connection between regions are potentially strategic when dealing with the aforementioned difficulties were also analysed.        

During the Seminar, Executive Director Jorge Valdez emphasized the importance of the EU-LAC’s political dialogue and its different channels as a consequence of globalisation. Ambassador Valdez focused on the relevance of a closer bi-regional association facing the new dynamics of the international context, as he pointed out: “for the EU, to foster a closer link with Latin America, should be part and parcel of the strategic approach for its global positioning”.    

Mr. Valdez also pinpointed the importance for Latin America and the Caribbean to develop a strategic vision of regional governance, one meaningful to the main interests of the region. The objective of such a vision is to disseminate in an articulated way Latin American perspectives and initiatives at multilateral level and especially in the framework of the strategic bi-regional partnership with the European Union.   

You can find the full speech of the EU-LAC Foundation Executive Director, Jorge Valdez, here

Photos courtesy of Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar-Quito.