Seminar- Presentation of ELANBiz Market Study

The EU-LAC Foundation will participate at the launch of the publication "Market Study on e-government sector in Chile and Costa Rica: Second stage report- market entry opportunities for Baltic countries", on June 14th and 15th, in Lithuania and Latvia, respectively.

The market study has been developed in the framework of the European and Latin American Business Services and Innovation Network (ELANBiz) programme, a European Union project that offers specialized information services to SMEs and European organizations interested in doing business in Latin American Markets.

The market study promoted by the Foundation is part of a series of activities dedicated to the promotion of the Baltic States with the aim of reinforcing the mutual knowledge with the CELAC countries that the EU-LAC Foundation has developed this year, and that includes the launch of the market study on the e-government sector on 20th September in Estonia.