Seminar: Old and New Populisms in Latin America: Lessons for Europe?

The UCL Institute of the Americas announces the Conference by Omar Acha (Universidad de Buenos Aires); Samuele Mazzolini (Essex); Juan Grigera (UCL-IA). A series of governments arising from the processes of social mobilization against neoliberalism in Latin America usually identified as a new "Pink Tide" have sparkled a renewed interest in the question of populism. Alongside a reconstruction of the conditions of capital accumulation and several changes in the role of the state and politics they have been successful in incorporating a set of demands of the social movements and conflicts. At the same time, the publication of groundbreaking theoretical perspectives on this classical issue in Latin American social sciences (such as Laclau On populist reason) has reshaped the ongoing debate since 1960s, saving the concept and practice a of ‘progressive populism’ from its  status as a pathological form of politics.

This panel will explore both the conceptual history of the concept and the cases of Argentina, Brazil and Ecuador, together with the recent repercussions in Spain.

For more information, please visit the official site here.