Seminar "Labour market inclusion of young women in Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union: From good practices to innovative policies"

The Seminar will be co-organised by the EU-LAC Foundation and the Programme EUROsocial+ and will be held in Mexico City, on 12- 13 September, with the aim to present and to debate the results of the innovative experiences on "the inclusion of young women in the labour market in Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union".. It will serve as a platform to present and discuss among organizations, authorities and other entities related to the topic on both regions. 

In December 2017, the EU-LAC Foundation and the programme EUROsociAL+ launched a call for the general public to put forward innovative experiences on inclusion of women, especially young women, in the labour market in LAC and the EU. Twenty-eight organisations and institutions from both regions responded in written form. A group of experts accompany the organisations in a process of systematization, which extracted lessons and good practices that can be shared with other public or private actors interested in the issue. 

The initiative was motivated by the poor conditions of employment among young people in both regions, and especially of young women. In the EU, 43% of young adults worked under a short-term contract in 2014; while in LAC, 38% of young employees lived under poverty in 2016. Furthermore, poverty and access to social security show a clear gender bias. In 2014, 42% of young women were employed against 62% of men in LAC. At the same time in the EU, 45% of women were employed against 49% of men. 

The search for “good practices and innovations to include young women in the labour market” in both regions enriches the discussion among countries of the EU and LAC that are interested in the topic of gender equality and youth. The EU-LAC Foundation and the programme EUROsociAL will host the conference with the Secretariat of Employment and Social Welfare and the Nacional Institute of Women, which will allow discussion among the participants and motivate reflection on the different practices around the world. Both entities hope to enhance the links between LAC and the EU and promote bi-regional cooperation to achieve equality of opportunities for everyone. 


Place: Auditorium de la Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social. Ave. Paseo de la Reforma no. 93