Seminar: Forging Bonds with Emigrants: Challenges for Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean

Seminar “Forging Bonds with Emigrants: Challenges for Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean” organised by  the EU-LAC Foundation, GIGA Institute, CAF Development Bank for Latin America

The Seminar will be co-organised by the EU-LAC Foundation and the GIGA Institute of Global and Area Studies. The event will start off with a reception and keynote speeches on 18 September 2017, followed by four roundtable sessions and a concluding session on 19 and 20 September 2017. The Seminar will take place in the Town Hall of the Free and Hanseatic State of Hamburg, Germany. The event will be publically announced by the co-organising institutions and will be open to participation from authorities from Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union, representatives of institutions from Hamburg, Germany, the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the broader interested public. As seats are limited, persons interested in attending the Seminar will be asked to register in advance. The discussions of the Seminar will be resumed in a brief publication in Spanish and English and circulated by the co-organising institutions.

  • Reception:

During the reception two distinguished guests will hold keynote speeches addressing the topic of the Seminar from a policy-oriented and an academic perspective. This reception will also serve to inaugurate the Latin American and Caribbean Fall Festival in Hamburg, which in this year will be dedicated to the theme “Migrants and Travellers”.

18th September at 18h - Town Hall (Rathaus), Kaisersaal- Hamburgo. For further details, visit the Reception information 

  • Roundtables:

The roundtables will deal with four specific topics (Emigrants Political Participation, Beyond Remittances, Social Policies, Citizenship Agreements) and be organised as follows: One moderator will briefly sketch the theme of the session, introducing the mayor debates and recent trends, and presenting the speakers of the session. This introduction will be followed by short presentations of the speakers who, depending on their professional profile (researchers, policy makers, representatives of international and regional institutions, and civil society organizations) will showcase innovative and forward-looking research findings, examples of innovative policies and good practices from Latin America, the Caribbean and European states. This first round of short presentations will be followed by questions prepared by the moderator. The questions will be geared toward the identification of potential interconnections between the presented themes, but also towards developing ways in which knowledge, ideas and practices can be transferred within and across the European and the Latin American and Caribbean regions. Afterwards, the Session will be opened for questions and comments from the general public attending the Session. Lastly, the moderator will invite the participants to formulate concrete recommendations for national, regional and bi-regional policies, taking into account the inputs by the participants and public.

  • Book presentation

“Emigrant Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean”: This book systematizes the emigrant policies across 22 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. This book is a resource for both academics working on diaspora policies and for public administrators and policy makers interesting in learning about diaspora engagement policies of most countries in this region.

Overall, we strive to bring together researchers, policy makers, representatives of international and regional institutions and civil society organisations to share their knowledge, policies, agendas and practices related to migration and diaspora engagement. We seek to encourage a deeper comprehension across the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean of each other’s migration policy perspectives. We hope that the diverse backgrounds and experiences of the invited speakers will attract interested public from policy-making circles, foundations, migrant organizations, and the academia.


Date and place: 18- 20th September

Town Hall (Rathaus) Hamburg, Kaisersaal

Rathausmarkt 1



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