Seminar “The European Union and the Pacific Alliance – Joint Opportunities” Hamburg, 6 November 2013

On 6 November 2013, the seminar “The European Union and the Pacific Alliance - Joint Opportunities” will gather representatives of the business community from the Pacific Alliance and the European Union in Hamburg.

The creation of the Pacific Alliance has generated great interest among the European business community. With a common market comprising four dynamic countries – Chile, Peru, Colombia and Mexico – the Pacific Alliance offers opportunities in many different sectors and areas.

The seminar is organized by the EU-LAC Foundation and co-financed by the Inter-American Development Bank. The event is carried out in cooperation with Eurochambres and the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce. It sets out to highlight existing ties between the two regions, as well as future opportunities and ways to seize them. 

We have the honour to announce Mrs María Ángela Holguín, Minister for Foreign Affairs from Colombia as keynote speaker at the inauguration session together with Mrs Benita Ferrero-Waldner, President of the EU-LAC Foundation, and Mr Alejandro Álvarez von Gustedt, European Office Representative of the Inter-American Development Bank.

The seminar comprises two panels on the theme of Joint Opportunities including on the sectors of investment and trade in goods, services and infrastructure. They will actively involve the representatives of the Pacific Alliance countries and the European business community. Throughout the seminar all participants are invited to contribute to the debate as well as to network with other participants.

The seminar’s main goal is threefold:

  • .  to inform the participants about the Pacific Alliance and the opportunities it presents for EU businesses;
  • .  to inform the participants about existing ties as well as trade and investment flows between the EU and the  Pacific Alliance in order to foster further developments in this area,
  • .  to situate the EU-Pacific Alliance cooperation within the wider framework of the EU-LAC Strategic    Partnership.

Furthermore, it is worth underlining that considering the fact that all Members of the Pacific Alliance either form part of the APEC group, or are currently undergoing the application process, the Alliance also represents a potential gateway towards Asia for EU-LAC businesses and initiatives.

President of the EU-LAC Foundation Benita Ferrero-Waldner at inauguration session here.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at should you have any questions or require further information.